Grimm Fairy Tales
Chapter 2 in the BBG centers around narrative genres. Reading this chapter I learned more about genres such as how memoirs, fairy tales and dramatic films are all apart of the narrative genre. This analysis can also help with my writing as our projects this semester are narrative based. The chapter goes through the components of creating a good narrative. Those components include drafting, sketching and composing. I have previously in my blog post #3 talked about the importance and benefits of creating a “shitty first draft” and how it will overall improve your writing. Sketching is the next component mentioned which basically means writing out how you want your work to be. It is different from a draft because if doesn’t have to be fully developed ideas and it really doesn’t have to be written down ideas as well. You can be just as effective with drawing out how something in your head looks like in order to better understand where you want the piece to go. And lastly composing, which is just putting everything you have done in the previous two steps together in order to create a cohesive work. Though these steps are not required they are just ways in which to make writing easier and better.